4 Essentials For Rowers

4 Essentials For Rowers

JL Racing sent me over a nice box of gear this year to try and give honest feedback on. I had previously had JL gear through their provision of the national team gear in Ireland in 2018 and also when I joined Team JL 2018 in my last year of university rowing. I was excited as I was still to this day wearing their JL Racing t-shirts day to day as I loved the quality and how well they washed and could be used over and over. They also sat on my shoulders and arms really nicely, which was a bonus for the ego. Looking good in clothes can never be a bad thing. I have compiled my must-haves for a rowing session and why.
Which JL Jacket is Right For You?

Which JL Jacket is Right For You?

Sequel, splash, turtleshell, scallop, regatta - You may have heard these terms or have seen them while shopping on our custom or retail site, but what do they mean? What is the difference between a sequel turtleshell and a sequel jacket, and a scallop jacket and regatta jacket? Find out what piece of outerwear is right for you and your team!