Alison Abrams
Ali Abrams is currently the Direct of Sales at JLRacing. She has been with JL for over 5 years and a part of the rowing community for over 20 years. She began as a cox at university and moved into coaches upon graduation. While coaching, she recruited athletes from all over the world, including New Zealand and Australia. She has a strong passion for rowing and enjoys being able to service the global rowing community.
AUSTRALIA PHONE: (07) 2104-1886
NEW ZEALAND PHONE: (09) 886-6782
EMAIL: sales@jlracing.com
JL Racing Custom
AUSTRALIA PHONE: (07) 2104-1886
NEW ZEALAND PHONE: (09) 886-6782
EMAIL: sales@jlracing.com
9 AM to 5 PM EST
Monday to Friday