Purdue Crew Row-a-Thon
Written by: John Lucas, Purdue Crew
Each year, Purdue Crew engages in a fundraising effort known as the “Row-a-Thon.” The Row-a-thon event takes place at the Tippecanoe Mall in Lafayette, Indiana, and is a community service event to support both the Lafayette Urban Ministry’s (LUM) Good Samaritan Fund as well as Purdue Crew. This year, the Row-a-Thon will take place on Saturday, February 8th from 8am-6pm EST. As their contribution to LUM, Purdue Crew athletes row a marathon, 26.2 miles, over the course of three hours on indoor rowing machines. Purdue Crew is a co-ed club sport at Purdue University that relies on student-athletes to organize funding. Purdue Crew student-athletes commit personal finances and valuable time to compete at the highest level of collegiate rowing.

Our team is made up of students from diverse backgrounds, majors, and rowing experience levels. Rowers learn to perfect the rowing stroke, build a healthy lifestyle, develop grit, and embrace teamwork. We push our limits daily—on the water and in the classroom—striving for more than we once thought possible. All Purdue Crew rowers are committed to working hard to improve themselves and support their fellow athletes. With competitions all over the country, Purdue Crew student-athletes take on the fastest Crews in club rowing. Purdue Crew’s mission extends beyond shaping athletes into championship-caliber rowers and top students. As a team, we also embrace the responsibility of supporting our local community and those who are in need.

Purdue Crew is committed to making a meaningful and positive impact on the community. By fostering a culture of responsibility and respect for our community—both within our team and in Greater Lafayette—we strive to make a lasting impact beyond the water. Lafayette Urban Ministry is an organization that works with a collection of local churches to form a social safety net for individuals in the area in financial crisis. The specific mission of LUM is to make an effort to change and improve the quality of life of the less fortunate. LUM offers a range of services and programs to support those in need in the Greater Lafayette Community. At our core, we believe being good stewards in our community is just as important as winning races. During the winter training months, the Row-a-Thon event is a testament to what is important at Purdue Crew. Beyond the funds raised for Purdue Crew and LUM, the moment to row for good is a cornerstone of the culture of Purdue Crew.
The sport of rowing teaches us to push beyond our limits. That same determination drives Purdue Crew to give back, to be leaders beyond our sport, and to strengthen the community that supports us. Whether you donate, cheer us on, or simply stop by to see us in action, we invite you to be part of this journey. Please consider donating to support your Purdue Crew Boilermakers and Lafayette Urban Ministries.
Support Purdue Crew’s Row-a-Thon Campaign
Learn more about Purdue Crew’s Mission
Learn more about Lafayette Urban Ministries